The new era of/ EMPATHETIC ai

Welcome to Ontbo

Our mission is to enhance human-machine
interactions by creating empathetic AI models 
through cutting-edge research and products.
Welcome to Ontbo

Our mission is to enhance human-machine
interactions by creating empathetic AI models through cutting-edge research and products.
A deeptech company 
supported by Microsoft
our vision

Shifting from a world where machines

are mere tools to one where they

become proactive, understanding

partners for everyone.

" AI models designed to 
understand emotions, 
adapt to personalities, 
and resonate with 
human needs "


Redefine the future with Ontbo: 
next-generation AI combining 
cognitive intelligence, context 
awareness and emotional 
understanding. Empower your 
business to transform data into 
actionable insights that truly 
resonates with your clients and 
unlock new opportunities.
Redefine the future with Ontbo: next-generation AI combining cognitive intelligence, context awareness and emotional understanding.
Empower your business to transform data into actionable insights that truly resonates with your clients and unlock new opportunities.

Smart AIs 

Our proprietary cognitive
algorithms replicate the
functioning of the human
brain, capturing its
complexity to provide
profound insights.

Our proprietary cognitive algorithms replicate the functioning of the human brain, capturing its complexity to provide profound insights.

worry AI fails to understand a 
human emotions and context 
especially in mental health 
and customer service.
source: AI Now Institute

Empathetic AI

Ontbo reimagines AI with a deep
understanding of emotions, behaviors, 
and context. It’s not just smart—it’s 
intuitive. By blending cognitive data
with empathy, Ontbo creates systems 
that adapt, respond, and connect like 
never before.
Ontbo reimagines AI with a deep understanding of emotions, behaviors, and context. It’s not just smart—it’s intuitive. By blending cognitive data with empathy, Ontbo creates systems that adapt, respond, and connect like never before.
Request a demo

ethical first

Our white-box approach ensures 
complete clarity, from how data is 
collected to how it’s processed and
explained. With our technology, you can
push the boundaries of innovation,
confident that accountability, transparency, 
and ethical integrity are at 
the core of everything we deliver.
Our white-box approach ensures complete clarity, from how data is collected to how it’s processed and explained. With our technology, you can push the boundaries of innovation, confident that accountability, transparency, and ethical integrity are at the core of everything we deliver.


Designed for flexibility and scalability, 
our system adapts for simple to complex
use cases. With interoperability at its 
core, it seamlessly integrates 3rd-party
 algorithms, unlocking limitless 
opportunities for innovation and future 
Designed for flexibility and scalability, our system adapts for simple to complex use cases. With interoperability at its core, it seamlessly integrates 3rd-party algorithms, unlocking limitless opportunities for innovation and future growth.

Our partners

Find out more about our strategic 
partners and how we're working
together to shape the future of AI.
Nomination 2024
Nomination 2024

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06 23 48 85 56

87 rue Nationale 59800 Lille France

2024 ONTBO. All rights reserved